Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Romeo + Juliet

Justin Orengo
In the book and play Romeo and Juliet i believe Romeo behavior is rash.  Throughout the story Romeo acts very fast and unnecessary behavior and doesn't think things straight. this is shown mainly with his lover juliet.
In the  story romeo reacts in very rash ways for example “O let us hence. i stand on sudden haste” this line  is saying “lets get out of here i'm in a rush” Which  shows how fast he wants this all to happen in my opinion what he is saying isn't true love it's an act in which he wishes to just find a girl that has beauty ever so lasting. Romeo is being rash because he is instantly getting together with Juliet and rushing and not thinking of the concept.
It is seen clearly that many times in the story rome is rash and thus shown moving at a very fast past  thus showing only one truth which was this is not “true love” for example “with rosaline? no. i have forgot the name and that names woes” in this line he is saying “Rosaline nope dont know her or anything about her” this line proves that Romeo is being rash because he was just in a relationship with Rosaline but he didn't love her like she loved him then romeo's best friend Mercutio convinces him to go to the Capulets party and have fun
and the first girls he see at the party (Juliet) he falls in love with her immediately. this is rash because this shows how fast he was to find another lover.
Romeo in this story is a character that can be argued on many of his actions/ feelings. one thing is what his feelings for juliet mean or is there even meaning? i think that his true love for Juliet is a rash imagination. for example “ plainly know my heart's dear love is set on the fair daughter if the rich Capulet” this line is saying “ I love rich Capulet's daughter” here Romeos is saying the news that  he loves Juliet and that they will exchange vows after the first time they meet but at the same time juliet is being forced to marry she doesn't even know. but agrees to give paris a chance but falls in love after Seeing each other for one time. as well that these two children are each 13 and end up getting married in two days and die on the fourth day of knowing each other with a double suicide.
In Conclusion  Romeo in Romeo And Juliet acted very rash throughout the story with love and other decisions i do not believe that romeo showed an example of true love in this story but was very rash  to go from one girl to another very fast not showing true love these kids are both only 13 why even attempt something.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

justin orengo 
806 ela
article title: czar putin 
author: patrica smith 
i learned that vladimir putin is a dangerous tyranicle  president but has helped russian inca structures etc. i learned putin had been elected 2 times and that 1 trem in russia is 6 years 
once in charge outing tightened power especially over the press and was offend to people who didn't like him for ex “he arrested a all female punk band because they were singing anti putin songs. other neighboring countries were scared because of vladimiers threats. one big thing is obama disagrees with putins actions and stated that him and NOTA have upgraded there military forces 
i think that the author is trying to say that vladimier putin is dangeros and tyranicle by imidietly using his power to enforce the people we happy for a new leader and when you think about it it has been 12 years i bileive that he has been running russia at least his 3rd time elected but after his six year term expires in 2018 that would make hime holding presidential office for over 25 years higher than other presidents but after re elected again putin has become more aggressive 
i realized that russia is much different and there president mr.putin can tyrannical by over running russias laws and making\breakeing them and russia is one of U.S most reliable in gas and putting aggressions against the west make minor deficult

i also have questions about whit the threats putin sends to near by places why dose he send them this whole european thing is just not turning out this makes me think are we near a new cold war how dose russia oppose a threat